Nikos offers a broad range of services covering investment law & arbitration, EU law and WTO law.
Based on his extensive experience as legal advisor, policy-maker, negotiator and academic, Nikos is capable of analysing particularly complex and novel legal issues in a holistic (360 degrees) way.
Moreover, since Nikos works solo, he can provide tailor-made services, free of conflicts of interest against a significantly lower fee compared to international law firms.
Nikos provides his services at the highest academic level
Nikos is fully independent and impartial
Legal Advice
Nikos provides legal advice to investors and States regarding investment law & arbitration issues. In the first place, he offers strategic advice and assesses the success rate of potential claims.
Nikos accepts appointments – from both investors and States – as arbitrator in investment treaty arbitration disputes, in particular in intra-EU and intra-ECT disputes.
He acts as arbitrator in disputes initiated under the ICSID Convention and UNCITRAL arbitration rules of procedures.
Speaker & Moderator
As a leading expert in international investment law & arbitration, Nikos is frequently asked to speak at international conferences and seminars around the world.
He regularly delivers key-note speeches and guest lectures at various international organisations and academic institutions, such as for example, the OECD, WTO, Energy Community, Warsaw Arbitration Days, Kiev Arbitration Days, NYU Law School, WTI, Leiden University, University of Amsterdam, Vienna University, Dutch Arbitration Association, EFILA.
Courses & Training
Nikos offers a whole range of tailor-made courses & training covering all aspects of international investment law & arbitration for practitioners, Government officials and International Organisations, such as GIZ and the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC).