So far, 2023 has been extremely, so it’s time to present a summary of some of the major developments.

In March 2023, another stunning EFILA Annual Conference took place in Madrid.

Meanwhile, I have joined as Partner at Herreveld van den Hurk & Partners.

I have also been appointed Gust Professor “International Arbitration and Climate Change” at Vienna University, Law Faculty.

The chaotic developments around ECT has resulted in the following publications:

The Meltdown of the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT): How the ECT was ruined by the EU and its Member States, download here the full text:  Lavranos-Lath-Varma-Aufsatz Heft 1-2023

Comment: Leaving the Energy Charter Treaty also means leaving a legal mess behind

How States Comply with Investment Treaty Arbitration Awards: Insights from a 2022 Report on Compliance

In addition, I also contributed and signed the Amicus Curiae Brief for the US District Court of Columbia in support of enforcing an intra-EU ECT ICSID Award