
29 June: DAA Investment Committee meeting with the topic: Will arbitration survive the new era of protectionism?

 As chair of the DAA Investment Committee it gives me great pleasure to invite you to the 2nd meeting with the following topic: President Trump, Brexit and elections in Europe: will arbitration survive the new era of protectionism? We will have two high-profile panels. The first panel will discuss whether Protectionism in Europe and the…


Of Counsel and member of Wöss & Partners

I am very pleased to announce that I have been appointed as Of Counsel and member of the international arbitration, trade and infrastructure group of Wöss & Partners. Wöss & Partners is an international law firm based in Mexico, with offices in Washington and Lima. Under the guidance of Herfried Wöss, the firm has over the…


EFILA Investment Treaty Arbitration ACADEMY launched!

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From 17-22 July 2017, the EFILA Investment Treaty Arbitration Academy will take place in Rotterdam. This Academy is specifically dedicated to provide an in-depth knowledege – both theoretical and practical – regarding all relevant aspects of investment treaty arbitration. We have assigned well-known and experienced experts as lecturers and it is my pleasure to be…


Dutch Advisory Council publishes its report on Brexit negotiations

The Dutch Advisory Council on International Affairs (Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken) has just published (only in Dutch) a report on the Brexit negotiations. The report focuses mainly on the consequences of Brexit for the Netherlands and the best negotiation strategy for the Netherlands. The report is extensive and contains some interesting points, which should be of interest…


Report on the OECD meeting: In search of a “better” globalization

As indicated in an early post, a summary report of the OECD meeting held two weeks ago has been published on the EFILA blog. At the OECD, Global Forum on International Investment (6 March) more than hundred stakeholders from businesses, trade unions, academics and OECD member states gathered together for a one-day meeting considering ways…


The Hypocrisy of Anti-ISDS Groups – Part 2

I have written a new blogpost focusing on an interesting dispute between two NGOs. This dispute using the Swiss NCP within the context of the OECD Guidelines illustrates that the NGOs wish to have other standards applied to them than for foreign investors. It is another illustration of the dubious hypocritical position of the anti-ISDS/anti-trade…


EFILA publishes its submission for the public consultation on the “reform” of the investment dispute resolution system


EFILA just submitted to the European Commission its position paper regarding the public consultation organized by the European Commission on what it calls “a multilateral reform of investment dispute resolution”. Similar to the previous public consultation on the ISDS in TTIP, the EC has organized this public consultation to obtain the views of stakeholders. Yet again,…