
Just published: The CETA-drama: Entering the dark age of protectionism and nationalism?

My guest lecture on the wider implications of the CETA-drama, which I delivered last November at the Innsbruck University, has just been published in the newest issue of Int’l Lis – Corriere trimestrale della litigation internationale. Click on the link to download the PDF file. 9382966_INTL_00134992_2016_03-04_0111 In this lecture, I explain that the CETA-drama, in particular,…


Brexit advisory service launched!

Now that the UK Government published its white paper on Brexit, many complex legal issues arise as to the trade relationship with the EU, but also with third states, such as the US, China. What kind of FTAs/BITs will the UK be able to conclude and with which countries? What kind of dispute settlement mechanisms will…